any other. That is...
"How Do I Get Started Online If I Don't Have My Own Products?"You know the internet is a great place to start your own business, but you have no idea
how or where to start.
You've tried the affiliate programs and the so-called “opportunities” only to be
disappointed time and time again.
You want to have your own products, but you don't have the time or starting capital it
requires to roll them out.
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In short, you're stuck...
You have the desire but you don't have the vehicle. Oh sure, you've read about how
some “guru” wrote a best-selling book or came up with some million dollar idea. But what
about the average Joe or Jane who can't write and isn't bursting with ideas?
What do they do?
What do YOU do?!
Well I don't claim to be a guru, but I can tell you what I did and what worked for me...
When I first got started online, I had almost no spare cash and even less spare time. I
knew I wouldn't be able to sit down and write and entire ebook, and so I decided instead
to publish a newsletter.
That's newsletter, “Webs Worth Watching”, was my first product!
If you haven't considered having a newsletter as your first product, then take a look at
So if you're still looking for a way to get your foot in the online door, don't take months
- They're cheap to develop
- They require less time than writing a full ebook and most importantly...
- They allow you to build a base of potential customers *before* you even release or start to develop a single product
and months to write an ebook or develop a product - start a newsletter and build a site
that can "sell" it!
Not only will this put you on the map, it will also be great practice for when you start
rolling out your own million dollar ideas.
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And who knows? One day you may be looking at your own online empire and thinking to
yourself..."Gosh, and it all started with one simple newsletter." :-)
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